segunda-feira, 8 de novembro de 2010

Sinal de vida é baummm... rsrsrs

Oi pessoas...
Nossa quanto tempo sem parar pra escrever por aqui, aveeee....rsrsrs
Vamos então aos novos fatos:
Esse pai doido ai, teve a coragem de me mandar outro email! Rsrsrs o que me faz pensar que o Gap só tem lokooooo hauahuahua... nem vou colocar o email todo aqui, só vou colocar o começo pra vocês saberem o que aconteceu, e no próximo post conto como esta minha saga...
Let me begin by apologizing in advance for this email; I signed up for greataupair, only to get flooded with responses. I've also searched numerous listings for available au pairs, and now I have 300 plus possibilities. This has created a real mess, as I have an inbox full of responses, and have been unable to respond to them.If you already received an email from me previously, and replied previously, my apologies again for not getting back to you earlier. Given the volume of emails, work, the children, etc, I have been unable to respond individually. What I have decided to do is resend a mass email to everyone in my "favorites" list; if you are still interested in this position, you need to send an email to, from your personal account. Then, I will reply with a length email, which includes a questionnaire. This should help sort out the replies; once you have more details, you can tell me whether you're still interested. Thanks in advance for sending me an email at; I look forward to reading your response to my letter!
O detalhe é que  eu não respondi o email desse louco!!! Hauahua o que o faz mais louco ainda!
My Goshhh!! Hehehe...

Um comentário:

    commm cerveja! Gente louca! Ele tem dois filhos, um menino e uma menina, né? De DC?
    Eu acho que ele apareceu no meu Fast Match ¬¬ nem dei bola...

